2023 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
“The yellow of morning sunshine shines from a clear sky straight into your face, making you feel glad to be alive. So pure and clean on the medium-bodied palate, then you sink into this light in the form of wet stone minerality. Drink or hold.”94 Punkte | jamessuckling.com | S. Pigott
The intensely yellow-colored 2023 Riesling Trocken Laubenheimer Krone opens with fine and elegant, perfectly ripe and concentrated (baby pineapple) fruit that intertwines with sur lie notes and finely spicy terroir aromas that include some lovely herbal nuances. It is a very smart Riesling from lighter loam soils topped by weathered red sandstone. Round and lush on the refined and crystalline palate, the Krone starts like a typical 2023 with unscrupulous fruit expression, but then it turns toward a somewhat austere and phenolic finish. It is less generous in the end than expected from the nose and first palate, and although it has a concentrated and juicy fruit core, the phenols take over on the finish and leave the palate a little drier than necessary. Is that due to a (too) early harvest or because of maceration? Or is it the use of oak? 12.5% stated alcohol. Stelvin screw cap. Tasted in September 2024.“
92 Punkte | www.robertparker.com | S. Reinhardt
“The Krone is not quite as ripe and shows a bit better balance and rounder acidity than the preceding wines. There’s some chalk here in the nose and mouth to go with lemon-based fruit. This might be a wine to drink a bit younger than the other single vineyard wines. Screw cap closure. 12.5% stated alcohol.”
92 Punkte | Fine Wine Review | C. Kolm
„The 2023 Riesling Krone is from old vines grown on a steep, southeast-facing slope of loam and weathered sandstone. The nose shows enticing glimpses of ripe, juicy nectarine and Navel orange. There is generosity and juiciness, but vivid citrus defines the wine in the end with its beautiful zestiness. This is exquisite, bright and really long. The rigorous sorting necessary in 2023 meant that this 2.5-hectare site could yield only 5,000 liters of wine. It was worth it. (Bone-dry)“
94 Punkte | www.vinous.com | A. Krebiehl
“Full screwcapped bottle just 1,162 g. Next to Löhrer Berg on decalcified loess and weathered sandstone. Exposed to western winds. Yellow capsule. Fruit salad on the nose. Lots happening on the palate. Really rather opulent and peachy but it finishes dry and savoury. A wine that would be fine with many dishes. Persistent.“
17.0 Punkte | jancisrobinson.com | J. Robinson
2022 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
“Der 2022 Laubenheimer Krone Riesling trocken von roten Buntsandsteinverwitterungsböden und leichtem Lehm ist rein und dicht mit einer intensiven und nach Zitrusfrüchten duftenden Nase. Am Gaumen ist er dicht und rund, mit einer feinen Textur und gut integrierter Säure. Es handelt sich um einen trockenen Riesling im kühleren Stil mit wenig Saft, aber guter phenolischer Struktur. Der Abgang ist noch ein wenig trocken. 11,5% Alkohol. Stelvin-Schraubverschluss. Verkostung im Oktober 2023.“91 | S. Reinhardt | www.robertparker.com
“Superreife Zitronenaromen, er schmeckt wie der Sonnenschein! Saftig am Anfang und in der Mitte des Gaumens, dann ist der rassige Abgang so sauber wie ein Gebirgsbach. Gleichzeitig zitronig, aufregend und delikat. Nur 11,5% Alkohol.”
94 | S. Pigott | www.jamessuckling.com
“Die Krone ist etwas runder und eleganter als der Unplugged. Mit einem mittleren Körper und intensiver Struktur. Der Wein hat eine Kalkmineralität und wird sich in den nächsten Jahren noch weiter steigern. 11,5% Alkohol.”
91+/A- | C. Kolm | TheFineWineReview
“Eine volle Flasche, mit gelbem Etikett und Schraubverschluss wiegt nur 1.161g. Angebaut auf verwittertem rotem Sandstein und leichtem Lehm. Reichhaltige, pfirsichartige Nase und breiter Gaumen, der mit einem mineralischen Kick abschließt. Schon sehr erfrischend, wenn auch etwas niedriger im Extrakt. Ein Riesling für den Nachmittag?! Trinkreife von 2023 bis 2027.“
16.5+/20 | J. Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com
2021 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
„The Laubenheim 2021 Riesling Krone offers a deep, pure and intense, lush, elegant and spicy bouquet with sweet cherry aromas intermingled with notes of peach skins and ripe phenols. Full-bodied, powerful and robust compared to Rothenberg or Karthäuserberg, this is a ripe and rich, more tannic and robustly structured dry Riesling that doesn’t have the elegance and finesse of Tesch’s finest Riesling but gives a mouthful of grippy Riesling. 12.5% stated alcohol. Screw-cap closure.“ 92 | S. Reinhardt | www.robertparker.com„Viel gelbe Zitrusfrucht, von der kandierten Schale über das Fruchtfleisch bis hin zum Saft. Ein sehr solider mineralischer Kern und ein betont trockener Charakter verleihen diesem Wein ein sehr klares Profil. Langer, kerniger Abgang mit vielen subtilen Nuancen, darunter getrocknete Aprikose und Toast.“ 93 | S. Pigott | www.jamessuckling.com
„Dieser Wein, der aus einem an den Löhrer Berg angrenzenden Weinberg auf Löss- und Kalksteinböden stammt, ist ein mittelschwerer Wein mit ausgeprägter, aber feiner Säure und gut definierten, blumigen Lindenblütenaromen und -geschmacksnoten. Er braucht etwas Zeit, um sich vollständig zu öffnen. Schraubverschluss. 12,5% Alkohol.“ 93+/A | C. Kolm | TheFineWineReview
„Der Wein wächst auf verwittertem rotem Sandstein und Lehm. In der Stilistik von Tesch mit „ausdrucksstarker Frucht und Mineralität“ beschrieben. In der Nase ist er definitiv sehr mineralisch – so sehr, dass ich hätte vermuten können, er sei auf Granit gewachsen! Der Wein hat eine sehr ausgeprägte Säure und scheint noch etwas Zeit auf der Flasche zu benötigen um sein Potential zu entfalten. Ein kleiner Hauch von Talkumpuder in der Nase, eine filigrane Textur und ein knochentrockener Abgang (der zweifellos durch die hohe Säure betont wird). 12,5% | Trinkzeit 2023-2029“ 16.5+/20 | J. Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com
2020 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
The 2020 Riesling Krone opens with classic Tesch nose: very clear, precise and elegant, with fine but not exuberant citrus fruit and Golden Delicious apple aromas over a fine mineral background. Pure, piquant and immediately salty on the palate, this is a stringent and finely racy Krone with grip, tension and noble bitters on the finish. Possibly one of the most „Tesch“ Rieslings of the 2020 single-vineyard collection. The finish is long, pure, dense and stimulating. Excellent. 12.5% alcohol.93 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt
Very crisp, dry and lemony, this medium-bodied dry riesling has tons of lemon-zest and ripe-apple character. Very crisp with a slightly austere, mineral finish. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
93 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott
The vineyard here is adjacent to the Löhrer Berg and has loess and limestone soils. Because the vineyard is not close to the forest, there’s not a lot of water here and yields are low. Martin said that he took grapes off the vines where there was a lot of hydric stress, and so the yields here were low. The wine has a pure, floral Riesling nose. The mouth is complex and richer than the Löhrer Berg, multifaceted, sumptuous, and with power and elegance to its green and yellow apple fruit.
93+/A | TheFineWineReview – Claude Kolm
Really quite rich on the nose with apparently softer acidity than some other bottlings. Already broad and quite charming but with enough texture on the finish to keep it interesting.
16.5 pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW
2019 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
Tesch’s 2019 Riesling Krone combines ripe and elegant Riesling aromas with the refreshing and iron-scented purity of the weathered red sandstone soils of the Laubenheimer Krone. Elegant and piquant on the palate, this is a medium to full-bodied and pretty round but racy dry Riesling with a fine mineral grip on the tight yet fruity-aromatic finish. The 2019 Krone is substantial and should be a beauty in 6-10 years. Tasted as a sample in May and again as a bottled wine in June 2020.92 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt
No question, positive thinking is good, but that makes so much more sense when you have a joyful and expressive wine like this (50 shades of lemon!) in the glass. Juicy yet delicate flavors keep you hanging on in there. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
94 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott
Spicy nose with real attack. Refined and interesting. These wines certainly make the case for single-vineyard bottlings. Crunchy, with green-apple fruit and nice grainy texture on the finish. Bravo!
16.5 pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW
2018 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
„The terroir of the Krone [weathered red sandstone and light loam soils] suffered from the drought in 2018, and it wasn’t easy to find the right fruit to produce the wine we want,“ says Martin Tesch. Given this reality, his citrus-yellow colored 2018 (Laubenheimer) Krone Riesling Trocken is a remarkable success. The wine shows a pure and flinty, dusty-mineral nose as well as fresh and lemon-scented fruit with good ripeness and concentration. Rich and juicy but elegant and still refreshing on the palate, this is a tightly woven dry Riesling with power, structure and good tension. The mineral freshness and purity are really enormous here. Tasted from AP 11 19 in August 2019. | Drinking Date 2020-2033.92 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt
From weathered red sandstone and light loam soils, the Laubenheimer Krone is light and racy with good acidity and grapefruit and lemon aromas and flavors. 12.5% stated alcohol. Last digits of A.P. Nr.: 11 19.
92/A | THE FINE WINE REVIEW – Claude Kolm
A loess and sandstone south-east-facing slope exposed to considerable wind. Martin Tesch describes the wine as having ‚a somewhat edgy disposition‘ in his glamorous tasting booklet but actually on the nose it smells particularly settled. Beautifully balanced ripe Riesling fruit on the nose and almost exhibitionistically fruity on the palate. There is certainly structure here. Lots to chew on the end in fact, so perhaps wait awhile before broaching this particularly persistent wine. 12.5% | Drink 2020 – 2027.
16.5+ pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW
2017 KRONE | Tesch Riesling trocken
From weathered red sandstone and light loam soils, the intensely yellow-colored 2017 (Laubenheimer) Krone Riesling Trocken is deep, ripe and complex on the flinty, refreshing, bright, mineral and citrus-scented nose. Some herbal aromas complete the bouquet of this expressive dry Riesling. Lush, round and intense on the palate, with a linear and finessed, nervy-mineral course on the palate, this is a tight and complex, salty and sustainable dry Riesling with a long and tensioned, crystalline and elegant finish. Still young and compact but sustainable and promising. An excellent effort. Tasted at the domain in July and at home in August 2019 (AP 07 18). | Drinking Date 2022-204091 + | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt
Effusive lemon-curd note on the nose, then a full, juicy palate with some nice structure, making this an impressive dry riesling. Long, powerful finish. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
93 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott
The golden Crown vineyard is on a steep slope facing south east with a mixture of decalcified loess and weathered sandstone. Wide diurnal temperature variation due to night-time westerlies. Lighter nose than the Löhrer Berg. Lifted and elegant – sort of reminds me of the character of Chassagne’s Caillerets. Then a strong lemon, almost lemon syrup, finish. Warm and rich on the finish. This one builds towards the end. Drink: 2018-2024.
16.5+ pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW